WWE RAW Review: The Weirdest Contract Signing Ever Edition

RANDY ORTON AND SHEAMUS VS 3MB 3MB need to take a week off. If they keep getting used as €œteam that gets murdered every week,€ they might actually end up dead BAY-BAY! Orton and Sheamus had no problem destroying them in a timely manner. After the match, The Shield came down to the ring and surrounded them. Luckily, IT WAS A BIG BIG SHOW TONIGHT and the Big Show ran down to the ring to help them. The SHIELD scurried back into the crowd. Looks like Big Show is going to be the 3rd man on Team WWE against The SHIELD at Wrestlemania. I€™m ok with this. I€™m not convinced that Big Show is really turning face again, though. I could see him being behind The Shield and swerving everyone. No one has been talking about Injustice in the WWE more than The Big Show during the past year. We will just have to wait and see. KOFI KINGSTON VS DOLPH ZIGGLER OR AS I CALL IT €œA REMATCH FROM CAPITOL PUNISHMENT/NO WAY OUT/EXTREME RULES 2011.€ Dolph Ziggler needs to face Kofi Kingston about as bad as The Iron Shiek needs to be racist on Twitter. My mind goes wandering throughout the neighborhood when those two guys face off. I can€™t even tell you how last night€™s match was. My body has adjusted to Dolph Ziggler/Kofi Kingston matches like it did the Chickenpox: I had them once, and now I don€™t have to worry about getting them ever again. I€™ve seen several hundred Kingston/Ziggler matches, now my mind protects me from seeing anymore. I assume a Zig/Zag and/or sleeper hold was applied. There was also probably boom clapping and such. Dolph Ziggler got the victory after stuff happened. After the match, Team Hell No comes down to the ring and challenges Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston to a match at Wrestlemania. The tag titles will be on the line. I€™m not sure why this match is happening and why Ziggler isn€™t more in place to go after one of the main titles. My biggest fear is that they will have Ziggler cash in the Money in the Bank contract on the tag-titles or something stupid. I am glad to see the tag titles getting some recognition at Wrestlemania, even if it doesn€™t make much sense or have much build.

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I'm a 31 year old writer and stand-up comedian from the good ol' USA. I graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Communications that I use to to write jokes on the internet. I'm an avid gamer, media consumer, and pro wrestling fan. I'm also the co-host of the podcast Pop Culture Pizza Party, available on iTunes and Spotify