WWE Road To Wrestlemania 29: The Rock Takes Out John Cena

Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett (c) vs The Miz

Shortly after Barrett, the Intercontinental Champ none the less, had received a swift kick to the groin, he was to face The Miz. Embarrassingly enough, this match was up there with Swagger vs The Great Khali for 'Dud of the Week'. If this is the standard we can expect for Wrestlemania, then it might not just be the Divas match serving as the token toilet break. Eventually The Miz picked up the win, with an attempt at the Figure Four that continues to shame Ric Flair's so-called 'passing of the torch'. WWE.com would later announce that The Miz had earned himself a title shot as a result, with the match between the two set for Wrestlemania. Barrett was in action again on Smackdown, losing this time to Chris Jericho. So that is two straight losses, to two different challenges, in one week for the Intercontinental Champ, and one of those men - Jericho - cannot even be bothered to face Barrett at Wrestlemania, as he pretty much said after their match (more on that later). This is not the way to build up a superstar or a title. It is in stark contrast with the work they put into building up Cody Rhodes when he was IC Champ a year ago - although of course they have thrown away all that work with him too now. After the match with The Miz on Raw, I see absolutely no reason to get excited about their rematch at Wrestlemania. Expect a quick 10 minute match to fill out the card, to give people a breather between the matches that WWE actually care about. It could even end up as the pre-show match on YouTube. Prediction: With the way they are treating Barrett and their continued love-in for The Miz, expect The Miz to continue his recent run of form at Wrestlemania and take the title.

Rob is a multimedia journalist with an opinion on everything from Johnny Cash to Newcastle United, CM Punk to The Matrix.