WWE Roadblock: 10 Awesome Moments

8. Chris Jericho Rips Canadians

Dean Ambrose Triple H

The irony of Chris Jericho tearing into his own countrymen should not be lost on anybody, because the man is a proud Canadian in real life. On camera however, he has recently turned heel, so he required some 'cheap heat' to try and rally fans against him at Roadblock. 

Such heat came across as fun, and Jericho's in-ring promo was laced with several barbs which were only enhanced by his stoic facial expressions. Few can heel it up like Y2J when he wants to, and he's tailor made for this kind of speaking segment. There was a nice pacing to his words.

It seems obvious that he's headed for yet another match opposite AJ Styles come WrestleMania, but Roadblock served as a warm up scrap for Jericho. Before he faced Jack Swagger, he even coolly referenced the fact that Swagger had beaten him for the old World Heavyweight Championship back in 2010. That was a clever move, it masked a confusing opponent choice and gave context to the match.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.