WWE Royal Rumble 1999: Where Are They Now?

4. Droz

Droz Edge

Royal Rumble 1999: Droz's run in WWE was short - for reasons we'll get to - but it was arguably around this time that he showcased his best work. Having rebranded from 'Puke' and just finished a feud with the Legion of Doom, Droz was beginning to come into his own as a heel with his Droz's World segments. He got a solid 12 minutes in before being eliminated by Mabel.

Droz Injury

Where Are They Now: 9 months later, Droz was tragically injured during a SmackDown taping with D'Lo Brown and paralysed from the neck down. It's alway important to mention here that Droz, to this day, bears no ill-will to Brown and considers the whole thing an accident. He currently lives in South Jersey with his sister, receiving 24 hour in-home care and continued support from WWE.

3. Golga

Golga Steve Austin

Royal Rumble 1999: Golga was John 'Earthquake' Tenta. After losing a considerable amount of weight between his WWF runs, Vince decided he'd no longer be believable as Earthquake so, instead, stuck him in a mask, made him obsessed with Cartman from South Park, and had him join the oddities. Austin eliminated him in 15 seconds.

Where Are They Now: After retiring in 2004, he revealed that he had developed bladder cancer and had been given a 20% chance of living. Sadly the cancer spread and in July 2006 WWE announced his death.

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