WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Last Minute Surprises For Tonight!

4. Brad Maddox

Brad Maddox is a pro wrestler who has somehow ended up a referee and now GM in the WWE. He is a former OVW Heavyweight Champion for crying out loud! Surely one day he will get his chance to compete again. He has good mic skills and some strong character development following a lengthy spell as Raw general manager. A fun thing to see might be Maddox entering himself in the Royal Rumble. As GM he has the power and as a worker he has the ability. This could be start of Maddox's reintegration into the roster of wrestling talent. At only 29 years of age it would be a shame if he never gets the chance to fully utilize his talent in the ring, the GM role can be done at any age, entering and being effective in the Rumble is a more limited window of opportunity. It certainly seems an outside bet, but as a last minute surprise this one could be easily done. Who knows, maybe WWE will read this and think yeah, Brad, get your boots on.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.