WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Last Minute Surprises For Tonight!

3. AJ Styles

Aj Styles A huge outside bet and genuine surprise would be AJ Styles. We know his contract is up with TNA, but he just doesn't fit the WWE mould of worker. He would need extensive re-training in the WWE style before coming to the main WWE roster. In addition to this, Triple H is reportedly not a fan - with Vince McMahon most likely completely unaware of who Styles is. As such the chances are slim for seeing the skilled worker debut in WWE tonight. However, if the company and AJ had quietly worked something out then tonight could be the night to pull off the pleasant surprise. AJ would be a riot in the Rumble, he bumps and sells brilliantly, meaning he could be a real mechanic in some of the best transitions of action. Ultimately he would be used as a jobber, but like Paul London many years ago, imagine the bump he could take when being eliminated. This thrilling high flyer would be an absolute hoot in the Royal Rumble matchup.
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