WWE Royal Rumble 2014: 10 Questions & Answers

9. Is Orton vs. Cena Even Interesting At This Point?

It's borderline boring at this stage. This past week on Raw they tried to add to the feud by having Orton attack Cena's father who was at ringside. He destroyed him with a series of punches that led to Cena's dad being taken away on a stretcher. Silly? Absolutely. That's also just another way to add heat to a storyline that needs it. Going from a physical match like TLC to a regular one on one match is a major downgrade. It also leads to speculation that the finish won't be very clean. Is Cena going to lose clean in two major title matches in a row? Seems unlikely. The positive about the match is that it isn't likely going to main event the show because the Royal Rumble match will be in that position. That's the right call in terms of what fans want to see the most. It also takes some pressure of Orton and Cena, who will likely have a good match. Much like at TLC, the booking of the match will be very interesting. Who wins? Will it be clean? Those are the questions that we'll have answered at the Rumble, but the names of the men involved isn't that exciting because we have seen them have so many matches before.
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Royal Rumble
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.