WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 Key Battles To Look Out For

2. Roman Reigns Vs. Triple H

The direction for Roman Reigns versus Triple H goes all the way back to TLC, when The Big Dog destroyed The Game in a vicious post-match beatdown. Added to that is the theory that Triple H will enter the Royal Rumble at number 30 and cost Reigns the WWE Title. A singles match between the pair is clearly being earmarked for the future, and the Rumble angle would help establish it. Perhaps Hunter wins the title, then Reigns gets the rematch in 'Mania's main event? According to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, that could be the way WWE are heading with this feud Only time will tell, but if Triple H does enter the Rumble, a fight to the finish with Reigns is all but guaranteed.
WWE Writer

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