WWE Royal Rumble 2018: 10 Things WWE Got Right

7. Keeping The WWE Title On AJ Styles

AJ Styles

AJ Styles, Kevin Owens, and Sami Zayn were in a tough spot at the Rumble. As if it wasn't enough that they were working a handicap situation, the trio were also first through the curtain when most were expecting the female Rumble match. Thankfully, all three are world class performers who clearly enjoy working together.

The 2-on-1 narrative suited AJ's scrapping style. When he's the underdog, Styles comes into his own and can rally fans behind him. There's no end to the gushing praise AJ deserves, and nobody who talks up his work should ever be forced to apologise for it; as a heel, Styles was astounding. As a babyface, he's so over it hurts.

Right now, AJ Styles is the absolute best choice to be WWE Champion. The dodgy finish in his title match against KO and Sami also feeds their conspiracy angle with Shane McMahon, meaning everybody came out a winner: the fans for seeing a great match, Styles for keeping the belt, and Owens/Zayn for having something else to whinge about.

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