WWE Smackdown Review: 5 Things We Learned (May 31st)

4. Paige Is Stronger Than She Looks

Paige and Tamina had a pretty short match that saw Tamina get the much larger Diva in the Scorpion Crosslock, which she has named the PTO, which stands for Paige's Tap Out. While the hold doesn't force her to lift her opponents off the ground too much, it is an awkward position for a Diva of her size to get someone as tall and muscular as Tamina up and hold her there. This match wasn't so much because Tamina and Paige needed to face off. This happened so Alicia Fox could come out and taunt the Divas champion before their match on Sunday. Foxy has been put in the spotlight by WWE with her recent crazy antics, but there seems to be a method to her madness. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap5G9eeTC_c She took Paige's belt and pranced around the ring with it before dropping it on the ramp for Paige to retrieve. Fox has charisma to spare, but seeing how well she does against someone who is considered one of the better female workers WWE has at the moment will be interesting. Fox has improved a lot during her tenure with WWE, but living up to the standard set by Charlotte and Natalya during NXT Takeover would be hard for anyone.

I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.