WWE Started It WCW Finished It - 10 Feuds That Switched Companies
2. Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan
Missed opportunities. They happen every day and while wrestling history is littered with them there is likely not one as big as the WWE failing to capitilze on the long time dream match-up between Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. When Ric Flair jumped ship to the WWE in 1991, this finally meant that he would get the opportunity to challenge the face of the company, Hulk Hogan. At that point, both men had dominated their respective companies for close to a decade but had never met in the ring. Flair was the heel people loved to hate and Hogan was the main event star who has brought wrestling to the mainstream. A Wrestlemania main event was their destiny and probably much more. Yet, Vince McMahon amazingly didnt pull the trigger.There have been various rumors batted around over the years as to why the natural feud didnt climax in the WWE (mostly notably a series of house shows between the two failed to draw enough money and excitement) but the promotion started the build-up and then changed course a few months Wrestlemania VIII. Flair wrestled Savage. Hogan drew Sid. Storylines moved on and the two men left wrestling fans hanging. Enter WCW in 1994. Flair had returned to the promotion several years before and they had just acquired free agent Hogan from their biggest rival. At that point, WCW simply booked the Wrestlemania VIII that should have happened for Hogans debut match. Flair versus Hogan, one on one, for the WCW World Title at Bash at the Beach 1994. WCW knew that the WWE had already done the perfect build-up three years prior but failed to deliver the big match. WCW would be the one who now profit from that extraordinary mistake. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15t51b_ric-flair-vs-hulk-hogan-wcw-heavyweight-title_sport After that first gigantic match WCW then continued to milk the feud for EVERYSINGLENICKEL. The two would battle each other in various matches throughout the next six years over the course of several different storylines. When WCW was finally bought out by the WWE in 2001, Flair vs. Hogan was a tired match fans had seen a million times. Amazingly, the WWE didnt do it right on television even once during their initial run together. Missed opportunity? Only one of the biggest WWE even made the gaffe turned out to be a major gift for their hated rival.