WWE Started It WCW Finished It - 10 Feuds That Switched Companies

1. Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage

What distinguishes this entry from every other one on this list? First off, you had absolutely two of the greatest workers of all time together in Ric Flair and Randy Savage. Yet, what makes this entry number one on the list was their epic rivalry was a massive, fully developed, main event storyline in both companies. The Flair-Savage feud featured a combined five title changes between the two men across the promotions and headlined countless main events including the premier pay-per-views of both WWE Wrestlemania and WCW Starrcade. The WWE started things off with Savage challenged Flair for his world title at Wreslemania VIII. Flair retailed by playing head games with Savage producing doctored photos with himself lounging with Miss Elizabeth proclaiming €œshe was mine before she was yours.€ (which was actually pretty risqué for the post-Saturday morning cartoons WWE shows) Savage and Flair would back up this angle with excellent promos and even better matches. The hatred between the two wrestlers seemed so real and the men would add countless layers to the storyline with new developments, allies and title changes. WWE obviously broke the feud off too early because WCW re-ignited it with great success only a few short years later. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15t5ed_ric-flair-vs-macho-man-randy-savage-wcw-heavyweight-title_sport In WCW, the two men would again battle at the top of the card and like a truly great sequel would add even more twists to their storyline. Miss Elizabeth would come back to manage the Macho Man in 1996 against rival Flair but this time she DID join Flair and become his love interest and valet. This development was especially interesting as Miss Elizabeth had always stood beside the Macho Man throughout his career and to see her arm in arm with his greatest enemy was intriguing to say the least. Flair and Savage would again trade the world title back and forth several times in WCW and their feud wouldn€™t cool down until the all-encompassing NWO storyline took over WCW programming. Yet, at that point Flair and Savage had already made their mark by having one of the greatest feuds and hottest storylines in not one but the two top promotions in the world. Agree/disagree with any entries on this list? Any storylines that were missed? Please comment below.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.