WWE Started It WCW Finished It - 10 Feuds That Switched Companies

8. Steiner Brothers vs. Amazing French Canadians

While the Steiner Brothers are known as one of the greatest tag teams of all time you may not immediately recognize the name of their rivals for this entry. You wouldn€™t be alone. The Amazing French Canadians had only a brief stint in WCW in XX and were more commonly known as The Quebecers in the WWE. The Quebecers were composed of Canadian wrestlers Jacques Rougeau (essentially continuing his solo Mountie gimmick in tag team form) and Carl Ouellet. Both men would have decent runs as individual competitors but their run as tag team champions was probably the highlight of their time in the WWE. The Steiners lost the tag belts to them on their way out of the company in probably the lamest way possible€by not really losing the match. Rick and Scott€™s title loss to the Quebecers was contested under €œ"Province of Quebec Rules"€ and fans found out (after the match) this meant that the titles could change hands on a disqualification. Thus, the Steiners lost the titles without really losing and the heels won the titles without really winning. This would seem to setup an obvious chase series where the Steiners ultimately gain revenge on the cowardly tag team and win back their belts in some sort of blow-off match to finish the feud. Except they didn€™t and the WWE would use the Steiners sparingly for the next year until they left the company. This set of events was goofy all the way around and simply served to make everyone look bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C46BhHtyHLg Truth be told, WCW wasn€™t setting up a match between the two teams years later as some sort of continued narrative to the Steiners humiliating title loss in WWE. No, this was simply a warm-up match for Rick and Scott at the Clash of Champions as they looked towards a much more meaningful match against tag champs, Hall and Nash, at Souled Out. Yet, that is the whole point. WCW knew that the Steiners were legitimately superior to the Amazing French Canadians and a quick match was all that was needed to prove that point. WCW had its share of booking mistakes but they always booked the Steiner Brothers strong which smart due to their astonishing in-ring work and popularity with fans. WWE sort of botched the Steiners run in their company with subpar competition and a lame final title loss. WCW made sure to wipe out that bad memory and promote the team as a genuine force against anyone in the company.

J.D. White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.