WWE SummerSlam 2002: 5 Awesome Things And 5 Things That Sucked

4. RVD Beat Benoit In A Competitive IC Title Match

When the roster split into two WWE called it the brand extension, but it was really a roster split. They did a number of different things with the titles like making some of the champions allowed to appear on both shows while others were only one show. It was confusing, but if you watched WWE during those years you know they made it work. Chris Benoit was the Intercontinental Champ from the Smackdown brand and he was taking on Rob Van Dam, who was from Raw. This was one of those matches that a lot of people forget about, but it was sneaky good. By that I mean that maybe it's not as hyped up as some of the most classic IC Title matches although it compares very well to them. Benoit wrestled a very physical style while RVD was most known for his high flying skills, but he was actually underrated in terms of physicality. His kicks hurt. Guys would complain about them. Benoit could take them. Not everybody liked them, though. There was a creative finish for the match with a superplex spot that RVD was able to counter in mid air. He ended up hitting a Five Star Frog Splash for win and the IC Title.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.