WWE SummerSlam 2014: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Will Main Event

9. Lesnar Stated He Was Coming After The WWE Title

Earlier this year we witnessed Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman make explicitly clear that 2014 was the year Brock would become WWE Champion. The desire for a championship match was vocalised by Heyman on repeated occasions. Lesnar even had a stare down with Dave Batista and Randy Orton. In retrospect, the tease was obviously for a Lesnar vs Batista match to take place over the summer. The babyface Animal had been booked to win the WWE title at WrestleMania 30, the long term plan must have been Batista in the champion role defending against Lesnar this August. All that changed due to Daniel Bryan's irresistible popularity, he ended up taking Batista's babyface winner spot at Mania, logically he will now take Batista's SummerSlam spot too. Brock should return before August reasserting his desire to be Champion and attacking Bryan to set the match up. He asked for the title shot on Raw earlier this year but ended up in a stare down with Undertaker. By going on to beat Taker, he can now claim to be the default number one contender.
WWE Writer

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