WWE SummerSlam 2016: 10 Things We Learned

6. John Cena Was Willing To Properly Put AJ Styles Over

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It's been said that wins and losses don't really matter in today's WWE, but in reality they go a long way when it comes to fan perception. A prime example came at Money In The Bank, when AJ Styles defeated John Cena one-on-one. Of course, The Club had performed a quick run in, and that was hammered into the minds of fans on TV following the pay-per-view.

In essence, Cena hadn't been beaten fairly. The chance for that to be rectified didn't look to be on the horizon, but another bout was set up between AJ and the 'Face That Runs The Place' for SummerSlam. On this occasion, Cena showed everyone what lengths he was willing to go to in order to properly put Styles over.

Without interference, AJ picked up the win by pinning Cena. Now, he's poised perfectly to challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Title on SmackDown, something that may not have been possible had he been handed another cheap victory. People can say what they like about Cena (and often do), but he did the right thing at SummerSlam.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.