WWE SummerSlam 2016: 10 Things We Learned

5. The New Day Will Pass A Full Year As WWE Tag-Team Champs

dean ambrose wwe title

On Tuesday, August 23, The New Day will officially hit the 365-day mark as WWE Tag-Team Champions. The trio still have an episode of Monday Night Raw to get through before they can celebrate, but it seems a given that they will be allowed to pass the year milestone as champs.

It's been said many times before but it's nonetheless true, New Day deserve to be on top and have done since before they bagged the titles. There was always the chance that The Club would provide a shock at SummerSlam, but now that hasn't happened it seems like a wise decision.

There's really no need to dethrone Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods before they pass the 365-day mark.

Raw will be an interesting watch, because WWE will most likely book someone to threaten the celebrations. New Day look like they're destined to break another record though, and that's something nobody can be too unhappy about. The team have really done wonders for the duos division in the promotion over the past 12 months or so.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.