WWE SummerSlam 2016: 10 Things We Learned

3. Dolph Ziggler Was Booked To Choke

dean ambrose wwe title

When push came to the shove, the WWE World Heavyweight Title match between Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler at SummerSlam also failed to truly catch fire. There were some cool moments, such as Ambrose blocking a Ziggler attempt at a Facebuster from the top rope and then hitting Dolph with a Dirty Deeds DDT for the win.

Sadly though, all of those inspiring verbal performances from both men on SmackDown Live didn't add up to an epic match at SummerSlam. The writing for the bout called for Dolph Ziggler to once again look like he couldn't get the job done in a massive title match.

Compared to some of the other marquee matches on the show, the WWE Title bout felt a little like a letdown. Going forward, it makes sense that either AJ Styles or perhaps even Bray Wyatt will be Dean's next big challenger, whilst Ziggler will retreat to the middle of the card again.

Once more, Ziggler looks set to be an also-ran, something the brand split was supposed to directly avoid.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.