WWE SummerSlam 2016: 10 Things We Learned

2. The WWE United States Title Match Didn't Even Take Place

dean ambrose wwe title

A rivalry between Rusev and Roman Reigns initially looked like it spelled doom for the WWE United States Champion. On the surface, competing for a secondary title also looked like a demotion for Reigns, but it has actually restored some of his aura. Away from the main event scene for the time being, Roman has been hearing less and less boos from live crowds.

This is largely due to the fact WWE have booked him to be more of a tough guy again, a trait that continued to help him at SummerSlam. Beating down the champion, Reigns didn't even let the United States Title match begin. A ringside doctor ruled that the 'Bulgarian Brute' was unable to compete and therefore the showdown was waved off.

Returning to pick clean the injured Rusev, Roman then nailed him with a huge Spear outside the ring. Reigns looked intense, almost reborn, but this won't stop his detractors from complaining that the bout didn't proceed as scheduled. The story will proceed though, and both men will surely collide again on pay-per-view.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.