WWE SummerSlam 2019: 5 Stars Goldberg Should Have Faced Instead Of Dolph Ziggler

2. Samoa Joe

Goldberg Return

As it stands, Samoa Joe is also match free at WWE's second biggest show of the year. It's been rumoured he'll team with fellow Samoan Roman Reigns to take on 'The Big Dog's' would be mystery attacker Rowan and Daniel Bryan. That's yet to be confirmed however and could be saved for a later date with more build.

So why not give Goldberg a real test and have him take on 'The Samoan Submission Machine'? Joe has come up short time and time and again in important match ups, failing to topple the likes of Reigns, AJ Styles and Kofi Kingston. A win over an icon of the sport might be just the boost the former two time NXT champion needs. And while it may not reward him with a title belt, he'll be bestowed with life long bragging rights, and we all know just how much he loves to talk.

If Joe's slug fest with Brock Lesnar at Great Balls Of Fire is anything to go by, this would be a drag out brawl worthy of headlining any WWE PPV. And hell, even if Joe does have to go down swinging once more, at least he'll be given the spotlight for a high profile match. Beats catering!


Paul Grover hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.