WWE Super Show-Down: 8 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know

2. HBK Costs The Undertaker

Shawn Michaels Kane

Shawn Michaels is coming out of retirement because, apparently, there is nothing that Saudi Oil Money cannot do. We are entering an age in WWE now where anything is going to be possible and un-doing the only retirement that ever actually stuck is going to be the first in a long line of improbabilities.

His return match will almost certainly be D-X vs The Brothers of Destruction. We’ve as good as had it teased with the closing segment of Raw but Super Show-Down gives us a chance to really get the ball rolling. They need to, as well, as if it’s happening at Crown Jewel then they’ve got less than a month left.

The smart money then is that there’s going to be significant, significant shenanigans on the part of the two supporting acts on Saturday. Between the literal mayor of Knox County Tennessee and Shawn Michaels, there’s plenty of room for something to kick off.

Plus given the respective ages of both men in the actual match, having various diversions and distractions will help them both pull together a match that’s better (and longer) than it would otherwise have been. Expect to see a Sweet Chin Music into a Pedigree as the finish, but don’t be too surprised if it goes the other way.

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