WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

1. Sheamus Breaks Roman's Heart

Nailing Reigns with a well-placed Brogue Kick, Sheamus was horrified when the reigning WWE Champion kicked out of the move. Right after Triple H went down with a Spear, the Irishman cashed in his 'Money In The Bank' privileges on Reigns. Fans were a mixture of excited and concerned when Reigns kicked out of the cash in attempt initially, feeling he was going to repel the attack. That didn't happen, and the show was better for it. Fans haven't fully accepted Roman Reigns as the top good guy in WWE as of yet, so it's crucial the company try and find ways to build sympathy for him. It appears they have decided to use the Daniel Bryan template, constantly pulling the rug out from beneath his feet. It remains to be seen whether or not that will work, but the Sheamus title win felt big. Showing rare tears when he came to and realised he had lost, Reigns didn't receive much compassion from the live crowd. A quick fire second Brogue Kick had finished him off, bagging Sheamus the WWE World Heavyweight Title. It seems he is now the face of The Authority, which will likely give Seth Rollins motivation to turn babyface when he returns. In the interim, it also gives Reigns someone to chase. What other awesome moments can you think of from WWE Survivor Series? What do you think of the ones listed here? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.