WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

2. Roman Reigns Spears Triple H

When Triple H offered Roman Reigns the easy route several weeks ago, it was treated like an insult to the babyface. Right there and then, Reigns - in storyline - should have been biding his time, waiting for the right moment when he could pay 'The Game' back. That situation came to a head after Reigns had captured the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Survivor Series. Emotionally defeating his best buddy, Dean Ambrose, Roman was congratulated by an incongruous Triple H. The leader of The Authority didn't exactly look genuine with his applause, so Reigns decided to Spear him out of his boots. This was good storytelling, both because of what had come before and what was about to happen. It set the stage nicely for the future. The move looked good too, and it would have been easy to picture Roman Reigns celebrating with the WWE Title long into the night afterwards. That wasn't the final chapter for Survivor Series however, there was still more to come. What happened next makes the Spear on Triple H all the more sweet, because it keeps Roman's rivalry with The Authority motoring along.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.