WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

7. The New Day Stick Together

It's no accident that The New Day are consistently one of the most entertaining acts on WWE television. Even though Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston play for laughs more often than not, they are also a logical team no matter what they're doing. At Survivor Series, the creative team once again let the collective outline this, and it was awesome to see it happen. Strolling down to ringside with their partners, 'King' Barrett and Sheamus, the unicorn-loving squadron wanted to do all the talking. When Sheamus tried to muscle in on their act, the trio instantly dismissed his attempt, which showed subtle solidarity. That same togetherness was displayed whilst the elimination-style 5-on-5 match was in progress. Even if it arguably hurt the match quality, it was cool regardless. When Big E was pinned by Jey Uso, Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston decided to leave with him. Decreeing that their team mate was hurt, The New Day left together. This was a particularly poignant moment, because it sold the fact that whilst they clown around a lot, they are truly friends. There aren't many teams in wrestling today who have such watertight, realistic logic in their act.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.