WWE Survivor Series 2015: 10 Awesome Moments

6. Kevin Owens Crowd Interaction Works A Treat

Kevin Owens is another performer who rarely puts a foot wrong. In truth, that's partly why a lot of fans actually wind up cheering the guy, because he's just so damn good at his character. Heel arrogance can often come across as little more than bluff, such as with The Miz. It's different with Owens, people do genuinely believe that he could kick their ass, which helps his cause. At Survivor Series, Owens played to the crowd a hell of a lot. Isolating one moment in particular, he pointed to a grounded Ambrose and screamed to the audience, 'You think he's the man?'. For years, WWE seemed to discourage performers from engaging with the live crowd, apparently feeling it doesn't translate well on television. In reality, things couldn't be further from the truth. Due to the brash nature of KO's comments, the fans rallied behind Dean Ambrose. It was all brilliantly simple from Owens, but he was doing his job very effectively. As the heel, he realised that people were excited to see him in such a lofty position, so he made steps to gain sympathy points for his babyface opponent. It worked perfectly, and the crowd popped when Ambrose hit his 'Dirty Deeds' DDT for the win.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.