WWE Survivor Series 2018: 10 Things We Learned

3. Raw Is Still The Dominant Brand

Survivor Series 2018

One of Survivor Series' most prevailing messages was that Monday Night Raw is still the apple of WWE's eye.

Aside from the ignored Kickoff tag win, SmackDown didn't get a look in on Raw's dominance. As if fans needed another example of Tuesday night's plight, WWE had Shane McMahon mention SmackDown's inferiority complex in a backstage promo before proudly flaunting a big '6-0' graphic after Brock Lesnar had beaten Daniel Bryan.

This was either business as usual or an alarming watershed moment for a program WWE best start treating with more respect if they want fans to when it jumps to FOX next year. Remember this mauling when the promotion hype SmackDown as equal to its Monday night counterpart during that impending channel hop.

They might as well have run a crawler saying, 'SmackDown Is The B Show For Another Year'. That's how Raw's control came across, like WWE were rubbing salt into some gaping wounds and reminding everyone that red is the flagship forever.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.