WWE Survivor Series 2018: 7 Things WWE Got Right

5. Announcing Dean Ambrose's IC Title Challenge

Seth Rollins Dean Ambrose TLC 2018

After working through the intense apathy of his first ever TV meeting with Shinsuke Nakamura at Survivor Series, IC Champ Seth Rollins can look forward to something a bit more exciting at TLC. There, as WWE revealed mid-pay-per-view on Sunday, he'll finally get his mitts on ex-Shield running buddy Dean Ambrose.

It'll be a surprise if this one doesn't turn into a stipulation match. Not only it is on a show that demands that sort of thing, but there's a genuine grudge here. Rollins vs. newly-turned-heel Ambrose would be wasted on a match with rules.

Whatever the future holds though, it must be said that WWE got it right by announcing the match at Survivors.

That gave Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Renee Young something they could actually talk about when running through the usual hype for what's coming next. Instead of blandly assuring people TLC will be worth renewing their Network subscriptions to see, the announce trio had something tangible to bait them with.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.