WWE Survivor Series 2019: 9 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know

8. Dio Maddin Costs Lesnar

Brock Lesnar Dio Maddin

Yeah exactly as above, just with Dio Maddin in the role of Velasquez.

Well, I say "exactly as above", but obviously Madden's not working hard at the Performance Centre to get ready from the upcoming Mexico tour, nor was he humiliated at Crown Jewel. He was chucked about a bit protecting Jerry Lawler and, well, there's been plenty of talk about giving him an actual wrestling role rather than merely part of the commentary team.

If they went down this route, as is bizarrely being touted, it would be one of the most shocking WWE Championship match conclusions in recent years. To simultaneously debut a former NXT trainee as a main-roster wrestler, and immediately insert him into a feud with Brock Lesnar, is the sort of push that's previously not been afforded to... well, anyone. Ever.

Still though, Maddin's a big dude and there are a lot of reasons WWE would undoubtedly like him. Just maybe not this much.

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