WWE: The Ultimate WrestleMania Ranking - From Worst To Best

3. Wrestlemania X-8- Overall Score: 4/5

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QrPwNiT_N4 OMQ: 3 CROWD: 5 STAR POWER: 5 HR: 4 FEUDS: 3 PROD. VALUE: 4 "I still want to know what a Booger Red is!"- The King, to JR. "Well, I'll tell you tomorrow," came his reply. He didn't and still hasn't. I want to know what a Booger Red is too! Heh, Booker T and Edge feuded over a shampoo commercial. I'd forgotten about that! I suppose I have been saying all article that Wrestlemania should be something unique... I'm racking my brains and I can't remember any other time two guys feuded over a shampoo commercial. It's almost like someone in creative said: "OK guys. We've got Booker T vs Edge. What kind of angle could we take in the build-up to this; let's keep it simple, what do they have in common?" "Erm, well, they both have hair. And... you know... different... styles. Like, there's conflict there." You know, I read somewhere that they first planned this feud for Hogan vs Rock but thought better of it when they remembered what Hulk Hogan looked like. Oh and wasn't that a good match! Hogan vs Rock, the crowd liked it. I did have something about the original plan being to do Austin vs Nash, rather than Austin vs Hall but changed horses because they didn't want to do a Stretcher Match but I think this point's had enough bad sarcasm already. I'll remedy it with some self-deprecation instead. C'mon guys, I'm 6000 words deep here, I could just come out and tell y'all how great this event was... but you already know that! Reckon I should reword the ending to that last paragraph into a segway to a Sean O' Haire promo video?... No? OK then.

2. Wrestlemania XIX- Overall Score: 4.16/5

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7tLSf4agZA OMQ: 5 CROWD: 2 STAR POWER: 5 HR: 5 FEUDS: 5 PROD. VALUE: 3 OK, serious comments now. It's one of pro-wrestling's greatest mysteries; the Wrestlemania 19 buyrate. Clocking in at just over 500,000- barely 50% of the numbers WWE has been pushing since X-Seven onwards- the lack of interest in this event defies logic. On paper, prospectively and retrospectively, this event had all it. It had bouts that guaranteed tremendous wrestling, it had huge iconic matches for the ages, it had divas, cruiserweights, a, granted, terrible, Undertaker match. It had 50,000 people in SAFECO Field, Seattle and a glossy set of graphics and a catchy Limp Biskit theme tune; who could have ever thought it would fail? Miserably. A lot of debate has been had over the buyrate through the years; I've never seen a truly satisfying explanation; I'd have bought the show on the back of The Rock's heel run alone (it was still free, believe it or not, in the UK at the time!). For those whom didn't buy it, they missed out- this event was tremendous. It ticked all the boxes. The crowd were a little quiet and disappointing at times but you can't really do anything about that. I think people have come to recognise the brilliance of this event in the subsequent years that have passed, rather than immediately, at the time. It's one of those that has aged well, like a fine wine... and like a fine wine, I'll lap it up. This is my personal favourite Wrestlemania, for those of you who care. Vince McMahon's face when he grabbed that pipe from under the ring won it on it's own.

1. Wrestlemania X-Seven- Overall Score: 5/5

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYpch3OBGUU OMQ: 5 CROWD: 5 STAR POWER: 5 HR: 5 FEUDS: 5 PROD. VALUE: 5 You know, I TRIED, I really, really tried not to give this event a perfect score. I'm like that, I'm one of those stubborn people who likes to defy the popular opinion just because I can. I thought, "let's just put historical relevance at '4', just to be that little bit trying" but honestly, I couldn't do it with a straight face. This event was as close to perfect as you're ever going to get, even with the Austin heel turn and the "Gimmick" Battle Royal. I remember watching this as an 11-year old kid and being pissed that I had to stop at the end of the TLC Match to go to school- it was Monday morning, after all. I remember being extremely pissed when some cocksucker at school spoiled that Austin had beaten The Rock. I cared that much, back then. It wasn't just because I was young, neither. WWE made you care with 'Mania 17. They gave you a reason to back Austin, actually gave you a reason to boo The Rock! Whenever else would you boo The Rock, back then!? I remember being so swept up in the emotion of this event that I even marked out for Bradshaw sticking The Goodfather with a clothesline and pinning him! I mean, Right To Censor were annoying but not THAT annoying! I suppose that's the biggest credit I can pay WWE regarding this event. You made me mark out for Bradshaw pinning The Goodfather. Yes, oh yes you did. One other underrated aspect of 'Mania 17: the Big Show's facial expressions in the Hardcore Title Match. At one point, Kane slammed him on a watermelon, destroying the melon, which then went flying into the air and splashing the cameraman! HA! And people always think of Edge's spear! Morons. Seriously, 'Mania 17's the best. There's no disputing it so don't bother. However, I did promise it wasn't the last page on this list and I've kept my word! So, about that...

Betting on being a brilliant brother to Bodhi since 2008 (-1 Asian Handicap). Find me @LiamJJohnson on Twitter where you might find some wonderful pearls of wisdom in a stout cocktail of profanity, football discussion and general musings. Or you might not. Depends how red my eyes are.