WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

1. Bryan Wins The Title To Close The Show

If WWE get only one bit of booking right, they must put Daniel Bryan over strong as the new WWE Champion in the show closing main event. That's the WrestleMania moment right there. If anything else happens then it will significantly decrease the value of the event. The way to book it is exactly the way they booked Chris Benoit to win the Championship in the main event of WrestleMania 20. Have it as a main event war in which the underdog has to fight his very best and hardest to finally overcome the odds. When he wins the crowd will go ballistic, as the confetti falls it will feel like the dawn of a new era and create a feel-good moment we haven't had for a long time as fans. If WWE try messing with the formula for success staring at them, then they'll be in big trouble. Fans won't stand for any further screwiness, at WrestleMania 30 the company must pull the trigger on Bryan's moment. Overall, when it comes to booking Mania, WWE should bear in mind it's all about satisfying the fans. They should stick to making the crowd happy and ending long term feuds with fresh direction in mind. That's what Mania is for. They should in essence keep their booking simple, they don't need to add a range of arms and legs to things, the simple choice of the right winner at the end of the night will ensure success.
WWE Writer

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