WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

10. Make Roman Reigns A Star But Only Tease A Shield Break Up

Roman Reigns is having the ultimate slow burn rise to stardom. It started at Survivor Series 2013 when he was the sole survivor of the traditional elimination match. He dominated again at Royal Rumble where he set a new record for most eliminations ever. With another 'big four' staple WWE show rolling around, WWE must book him as a stand-out performer again. Reigns need to be scripted to overcome the odds on Sunday. Ambrose and Rollins should be taken out of the equation to leave Reigns vulnerable to three-man attacks from Kane and the Outlaws. He of course resists and bounces back to single handedly win the match by obliterating all three men of the Authority. At this point, Ambrose and Rollins should join him, teasing some resentment to Reigns's singular popularity with the crowd. The turn shouldn't happen though. That's the smart thing to do because there's life left in the Shield as a group still, but Reigns also needs some foreshadowing of his singles stardom. It would be a mistake to do the big Ambrose and Rollins heel turn just yet. We have too much potential still to play out with The Shield, not least another Wyatt six-man encounter for them. The group must be booked in a way where the story continues while still progressing toward an ultimate breakup.
WWE Writer

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