WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

9. A Short Diva Invitational Which Puts The Title On A Total Diva

The Diva invitational currently serves as a meaningless way to give every diva a spot on the Mania card. For the sake of history, let's hope WWE actually make it worthwhile on the night. They need to book it in a way so that it doesn't end up as horrible as it sounds on paper. The way to do that is give it a short time under 8 minutes. Short and sweet is the way to go with gimmick matches like this, trying to extend it will only see fans turn further on it. It should also kick off where some of the girls brawl at ringside and are taken out of the equation in order to free up the ring. Booked like this it at least has a chance of developing some meaning. The title should also be changed to a Total Diva. It doesn't really matter which one, the point is, it would be a good move for WWE publicity and mainstream media attached to E!'s Total Divas. It's a booking decision which currently stands to pay more dividends than AJ continuing with the belt.
WWE Writer

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