WWE WrestleMania 30: 6 Potential "Mania Moments" That Could Happen

5. 100 Rotations - Cesaro's Biggest Swing Yet

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEtR97_CAxw Cesaro (Antonio has officially been dropped from his name) is rumored to be one of the talents lined up for a big push after WrestleMania. If you've been watching WWE lately you've seen the way the crowds have been reacting to him. His power offense and freakish strength have really caught on with fans. Brutal European uppercuts and deadlift suplexes always garner tremendous reactions, but none more so than the giant swing. When Cesaro began using the swing on WWE television, he started getting huge pops. Being part of a midcard heel tag team, the brass took notice. It wasn't long before they began teasing dissension between the Real Americans. Cesaro was even added to the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship, seemingly out of nowhere. The match served to test Cesaro on the big stage, and he definitely delivered. As of now it's unclear how or even if Cesaro will be featured at Mania. We could be building towards a match between he and Swagger, or perhaps he may be relegated to battle royal duty. Regardless, if Cesaro were to capitalize on the exposure and pull of an incredible 100-rotation swing (something he's somewhat already done before), or alternatively, eliminate someone from the battle royal by swinging them over the top and out of the ring, it would create an all-time memory and become a staple of WWE highlight reels.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.