WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

The WrestleMania 30 final card was set in stone 13 days before the April 6th event, with confirmation that it will be an 8 match card with just about every wrestler on the roster figured in. The total of currently booked superstars on the show equals 66, a way for WWE to ensure just about all talent get to partake in the Mania thrill and payday. This has been achieved chiefly through the inclusion of a 30 man battle royal, 14 diva invitational match, and a fatal four way tag match plus six man contest on the undercard. If it sounds like over-kill, you're not the only one having that thought. This is the most talent loaded WrestleMania ever and the undercard looks weakened as a result. It's hard to have meaningful or engaging contests in such a clustered environment. The main events are a different story. Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar is a big name marquee match and the Hunter vs Bryan feud has boiled up to perfection. Will Bryan end up in the show closing main event for the Championship? This results predictions piece will answer that question, in addition to casting analysis over the other matches. While some WrestleMania outcomes look likely in certain areas, WWE may be thinking about swerves in some aspects. Surprises are expected. What we can be assured of is at least one great match which will make the event worth your money. The WhatCulture predictions verdict proved entirely accurate but for the Bryan loss at Royal Rumble, click next to find out what will happen on the big night in New Orleans this April 6th...

8. Four Way Tag Title Match: The Usos Vs Cesaro And Swagger Vs Ryback And Curtis Axel Vs Los Matadores

Long gone seem the days of compelling multiple person tag matches such as the Hardy / Dudley / Edge and Christian encounters at WrestleMania 16 and 17. This year at WrestleMania 30 we find the tag championship defended in a standard four way match, which will serve as mostly filler and a way to accommodate the irrelevant Ryback, Curtis Axel and Los Matadores on to the New Orleans show. The fact that this match was thrown together with little thought is painstakingly obvious, teams have been added at random and the initial groundwork for a Usos vs Outlaws match was nixed. The tag division has definitely been a victim of the short sightedness which has blighted the general Mania build. The match itself could still end up decent. The Usos are a fantastic wrestling pair and Cesaro is the best wrestler in the company when given the chance. With the Usos and the Cesaro / Swagger team carrying the action, it should be a passable contest, although they won't get a whole load of time to work within. The indication seems to be that Cesaro and Swagger will split up soon, so expect major cracks to show here, which should allow the Usos to retain. Ryback and Axel are going nowhere, perhaps the belts would invigorate them, but a win seems unlikely. As for Los Matadores, they were added at the last minute, they probably don't factor into a title plan. The Usos win a potentially decent contest which could just as easily end up poor. Winners and still champions: The Usos
WWE Writer

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