WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

7. The Shield vs Kane And The New Age Outlaws

The big question here is will the Shield split up, will Ambrose and Rollins turn on the popular Roman Reigns? It seems less likely than it did a month ago. The Shield have been turned face in order to make Rollins and Ambrose's betrayal of Reigns seem more powerful, but for now it looks like the group will enjoy a longer face run into the spring as a cohesive group. A tease of the cracks is probable, WWE may book the Mania match to make it look like the turn will come, but at the end of the match a victory as a unit seems the logical outcome. Reigns should be booked how he was at Survivor Series and Royal Rumble, a powerful performance in which he bosses the action. He will be the man who hits the spear and gets the pin. As for the Outlaws and Kane, they're another case of being in a spot due to short-sightedness from creative. The Shield had been meant to break up before now, but instead were turned face, perhaps in order to do another Wyatt six-man-match in May. This necessitated the Shield needing a 3 man team to work against for Mania, so it looks like Kane, Road Dogg and Billy Gunn got thrown in as the makeshift pact. Nevertheless, it should be a great match. The Shield are nearly always good and Kane is an experienced talent, the Outlaws on their day have been decent too. The action will see some frenzied spots toward the end before Reigns hits a spear and pins one of the Outlaws. Winners: The Shield
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