WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

5. Andre The Giant Battle Royal

This is another match which could be a clustered disaster, it's extremely hard to create any great action when so many bodies are in the ring at once. However, you would expect the match to get time, with a host of big names still in contention toward the end. That could make things exciting as the likes of Sheamus, Big Show, Alberto Del Rio, Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler make a go of it. Talented workers like this left in a group of around eight for the last five minutes of action can make the battle memorable. The will-they-won't-they over the top rope spots can be really compelling when done right. The jobbers such as Gabriel, Slater, R Truth and the like will all go early to free space up for the real talent. The winner is questionable, so many big names are in this contest. The biggest name with the most to gain from the victory has to be Sheamus. Since his return he's been given nothing other than a mid-card feud with Christian. He had been booked for a clash with Daniel Bryan at Mania 30 but that quickly changed when WWE realised they needed Bryan elsewhere. This will be his compensation, a win of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal to move him into a more prominent spring run. There's even a chance he goes heel by acting against a crowd favourite such as Ziggler. Winner: Sheamus
WWE Writer

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