WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

4. John Cena Vs Bray Wyatt

On paper, this didn't seem an atrocious idea when it was first booked three months ago. However, it has since transformed into an overly awkward feud in which the creative dynamics are left in tatters. WWE again showed short sightedness and probably wish they could change this booking just like they did with other aspects of the card. The problem is, neither Cena or Wyatt are up to the task of doing their job properly. Cena is meant to be the sympathetic hero, but in reality is giving fans joy at his woes. Wyatt is meant to be a disturbing bad guy, but is instead playing up to the cheers he finds himself getting. That's going to give the Mania 30 match serious problems, because there's a pretty good chance the story becomes more about the crowd as opposed to the in-ring action. Cena is going to get loudly booed in an awkward and embarrassing way. He won't be turning heel, but he will inevitably be re-cast as a heel by the crowd when he pins Bray. The boos will be magnificent and we might even get trash thrown in the ring. The in-ring action itself should be good. Cena is a veteran worker and usually puts in an exciting match, at his best he's always great to watch. Cena does his finest work when paired with a solid opponent, Bray is certainly that if his Rumble match with Bryan was anything to go by. That was the match of the year so far, Wyatt's work was unbelievably good. The in-ring action at Mania 30 should be equally epic, but the crowd could kill it. The winner will most likely be Cena. He didn't go through all of these beat-downs and being cost the title to then lose. Wyatt will be elevated through association with Cena and then return to the mid-card to hopefully continue the faction war with The Shield, who will be waiting in the wings after seeing off Kane and the Authority. Perhaps the Shield will even help save Cena from a Wyatt family beatdown, that'd be a great way to set up an Extreme Rules Shield vs Wyatt match. The other speculation has Hulk Hogan getting involved for a save, also a strong possibility. Winner: John Cena
WWE Writer

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