WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

2. Daniel Bryan Vs Triple H

This looks set to be the match of the night. In terms of wrestling you have the best in-ring talent right now against an experienced veteran who is also very, very good in the ring. This will be a thrilling contest full of heavy blows, reversals, near falls and finisher kick outs. A spot where Bryan kicks out of a pedigree to make a comeback for the win has to happen. Imagine the heat if New Orleans thinks just for a second Hunter is going to win, we need to see that pedigree kicked out of! From there Bryan can make the road to recovery eventually culminating in his running knee finisher ... only for Hunter to kick out of. All is not lost, Bryan instead slaps on the YES lock and Hunter endures for 30 seconds as the crowd chants YES YES YES before he finally taps. It should all be brilliant. There are rumours of Stephanie getting involved only to be taken out by Brie Bella. It does seem logical that the WWE must write both Stephanie and Hunter out of the story in the immediate aftermath of this match, otherwise why wouldn't they get involved in the title match? Who knows, perhaps they will show up in the title match, but the prestige of the main event would really be better without their presence. WWE would put all the heat in the world on Hunter if he won, but it's hard to see past the only logical result here, Daniel Bryan beats Triple H and ends the Authority. Winner: Daniel Bryan
WWE Writer

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