WWE WrestleMania 30 Results Predictions

1. WWE Championship Match: Randy Orton Vs Batista Vs Daniel Bryan

Wrestlemania 30 Part of me suspects WWE could play a major swerve at WrestleMania 30, but I will stick with the safe bet of Daniel Bryan walking out of New Orleans as the new Champion. It's the ultimate WrestleMania moment, the biggest 'star making' closure of a Mania we have had since Batista went over in 2005. All of the six month long Authority feud (and real twists) will have been worthwhile with the end result of Bryan standing in the ring with the WWE title and 70,000 fans chanting YES. The match has potential to be very good. Bryan's athletic presence should ensure we get a sound triple threat, but Orton and Batista also have the skills to contribute toward very good action. The dynamics will hopefully click. One concern would be if it ends up too gimmicky, it doesn't need run-ins or ref bumps, WWE should allow the three men to have a triple threat that flows. Once again you would expect the underdog Bryan to kick out of Orton and Batista's finishers on the way to triumph. Bryan likely wins with the running knee to both men, pinning Orton to set up a singles defence against Batista for the future. Could WWE do a swerve? They could just about get away with it. By beating Hunter, Bryan already has elevation. Batista could then win the title in a screwjob ending to set up another blockbuster underdog chase for Bryan to finally get the title at Extreme Rules. With fans locked into the Network, the company can conceivably run such an angle with reduced fear of criticism. However, it's hard to see past Bryan's big moment coming to reality in New Orleans. Yes, a swerve scenario would set up monster heel heat for Batista and make a bigger main event for Extreme Rules, but logically Bryan's story concludes now. The underdog will become the Champion at WrestleMania 30 following two thrilling matches. Winner and new WWE Champion: Daniel Bryan Click 'Next' for my overall conclusion...
WWE Writer

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