WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

8. Match Order

The match order of any WrestleMania is always vitally important. Just take a look at Mania X8 when WWE made the mistake of booking Hogan vs Rock in the middle of the show, it was the perceived real main event, so it ended up killing the buzz for the actual main event of HHH vs Jericho. WWE must deliver a match order in line with fan expectations at WrestleMania 30, more so than ever with Daniel Bryan in two matches. So, what will the match order be? Bryan Alvarez's Figure Four Weekly Newsletter reports it as being "Shield vs Kane & Outlaws; 'stuff in the middle'; Cena vs Wyatt; Lesnar vs Undertaker; Diva invitational; and the two Daniel Bryan matches." It's an okay arrangement. The two Bryan matches going on last is certainly one cause for concern. Logically, they should have been done with a buffer in between. Can Bryan really perform and stay hot over the course of two matches? Will the last match end up being more of an angle against a worn out Bryan? We don't know, but if anyone can pull off two matches in a row, it's Daniel Bryan. You just can't help but feel those matches should have had some buffer.
WWE Writer

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