WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

7. Sting Vignette

The original plan for Sting's WWE debut involved him first being advertised in a video vignette at WrestleMania 30, followed by his actual appearance in person the next night on Raw. WWE planned to do it this way in order to educate the audience on who Sting actually is, there's a worry that the younger fans will be completely oblivious to him. Indeed, many WWE fans don't watch TNA, and a large part of the teenage audience won't even be old enough to remember WCW. It's a smart strategy to introduce Sting firstly in a video, plans could have changed, but there's got to be a pretty good chance we see something of the Stinger tonight at Mania. It's the same ploy WWE used when introducing WCW icon Bill Goldberg in 2003, they played a video highlight reel at Mania 19 to establish him and then had him debut the next night on Raw to spear The Rock. The hot tip is that we will see the Sting video tonight at Mania and then some sort of angle will take place with Sting and The Undertaker the next night on Raw.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.