WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

6. Papa Shango In New Orleans

This could be a really fun one! Charles Wright is staying with the WWE crew in New Orleans, and has told fans that he will be at WrestleMania 30. Now stop to think about it for a second, New Orleans is the home of 'Louisiana voodoo' - shaman culture and the history of voodoo is still a very big tourist attraction for people going to the city. Knowing that, what role do you think Wright will be playing at Mania, his Godfather character, or his Papa Shango character? You guessed it, WWE is planning on doing a Papa Shango cameo in order to celebrate some of the host city culture. It's fitting. The cameo could in fact play out with Shango doing a backstage skit with his old nemesis the Ultimate Warrior, old school fans will never forget those hilariously bad segments in which Shango made Warrior vomit. Hopefully WWE send these up in some sort of skit. For us old timer fans we don't remember Shango as the best gimmick of all time, but at WrestleMania 30, this is one piece of nostalgia which will definitely bring a smile to our faces regardless.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.