WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

5. Undertaker Beats Lesnar

It might seem the most predictable spoiler on this list that Brock Lesnar is losing to The Undertaker at Mania 30, but you'd be surprised how many casual non-regular fans actually still buy into the idea Taker could lose at Mania. Case in example is one text I received last night from a fan who only watches around the Mania period "Just read your predictions article. Just hope you are wrong on Lesnar. Sick and tired of a near 50 year old bloke some how beating blokes half his age." Now that notion may seem foreign to the internet wrestling community, but those kind of views and occasional fans are in fact a large part of WWE's audience for Mania. They are arguably the most important set of fans. The company have to work for those fans money, in contrast they can count on the hardcore fan purchases. As such WWE tends to be a product constantly reaching out to the passive fans rather than delivering to the invested regular fans. So to the large casual segment who still buy into the streak being under threat, this spoiler is for you: Undertaker is winning tonight. There's no doubt about it. WWE simply isn't going to book a part time star to end the 21 year legacy of a performer who has gave them so much loyalty. Brock in contrast showed the company no loyalty when he quit on a whim in 2004. He isn't going to be rewarded with a streak win ten years later.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.