WWE WrestleMania 30: Top 8 Matches At Wrestlemania 30

2. WWE Title: Randy Orton Vs Batista

Following Batista's Rumble win and Orton's Chamber win this match is now official and advertised on the Mania website as the main event. It has caused uproar with WWE fans and led to sustained booing of Dave Batista, turning the contest into a unique heel vs heel battle. Rather than change course the WWE has instead decided to run with it, despite fan calls for Daniel Bryan to be in contention for the title. Who knows, perhaps Batista wins fans over or maybe Bryan ends up implicated on the night. Ironically, Batista vs Orton might just work. The face off on Raw was fascinating to see, albeit for all the wrong reasons as fans cheered Orton and booed Batista. This is going to be something very different and part of fans will be intrigued to see how the feud unfolds. Seeing them compete at Wrestlemania will be compelling if for nothing else but to see the crowd react ... backs turning, walk outs, trash throws and chants will all make it unintentionally entertaining. In terms of wrestling it will probably be good but not great from the former Evolution team mates. It should really be booked as a hardcore bout as Batista was always at his best when able to use weapons. Batista Vs OrtonWill it draw buys? No. Both men are loathed and this will not be one of the matches that sells Wrestlemania 30. WWE will just about get away with that because the Taker vs Lesnar and Bryan vs Hunter match are compelling. Just like the title took a back seat to Taker vs Michaels in the past, it'll also be in the background at this Mania. Anticipation level: 80% It can't be denied that it'll be one of the most fascinating things to see and one of the biggest talking points of Wrestlemania 30. Outcome: Batista wins. Daniel Bryan may end up coming out after the match and getting a shot courtesy of Wrestlemania host Hulk Hogan. The happy ending we all want could yet happen.
WWE Writer

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