WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Things That Need To Happen

5. Vince McMahon Should Return

Don't jump the gun on this one, we're not suggesting that Vince McMahon make a full-time return to WWE television and become an authority figure once again...quite the opposite actually. The fact is that the Evil Authority Figure vs. top babyface storyline has been played out on WWE television in some form for almost 20 years. To say the storyline is stale would be the understatement of the year. What started as Austin vs. McMahon morphed into Vince McMahon vs. Babyface, Eric Bischoff vs. Babyface, Vickie Guerrero vs. Babyface, and the Authority vs. Babyface. It's done but WWE keeps beating the horse even though the poor animal is dead, stiff, and six feet under. So, Vince McMahon should return and finally get rid of the Authority and himself. The whole concept is pointless anyway. Think about it: Stephanie McMahon is allowed to get all of this heat on herself because she's a McMahon and owns the company. However, the point of heel heat is to convince people to buy a ticket (or a Network) to see the heel get what's coming to them. But, since it's Stephanie, she's not going to be beat up, embarrassed, or be put in any situation where she's completely and totally defeated. Even on the rare occasion where she is embarrassed, she's back the next week to screw someone else over and get her heat back. Going back to the 1980s where matches were made because, hey, this is wrestling would be a novel concept because today's younger fans haven't ever seen it. They are used to a confrontation in the ring, Teddy Long making his entrance and then booking a tag team match, playa. You don't need an authority figure on screen every single week. Does Roger Goddell attend every single NFL game and screw with the rules? Does David Stern sit courtside of every single NBA game and talk to players? Authority figures should only been seen when there is a crucial decision to be made. Their appearances would have more impact and therefore be seen as more important. The authority figure storyline is dead...get over it.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.