WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Things That Need To Happen

4. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

We all need to accept the fact that Daniel Bryan has been shuffled down to the midcard. Come Hell or high water, WWE has decided that Roman Reigns, not Daniel Bryan, is going to be their superstar of the future and Bryan is going to have to take a back seat to the Almighty Roman Reigns. But that doesn't mean that Bryan has to be stuck in a dead end feud with Kane, Big Show, or Sheamus. Why not turn Bryan into the workhorse of the promotion? A wrestling submission machine who steals the show with his tremendous matches and draws in the workrate fans who don't care about soap opera and just want to see good wrestling. With neither guy having anything legitimate to do, why not book a match between Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler simply because it will be a good match? Neither guys has to turn heel or anything like that, there doesn't even have to be a storyline. Just make a match where both guys want to wrestle to see who the better athlete is. Novel concept, huh? If WWE does book this, we could have a WrestleMania III situation where an undercard match (Savage vs. Steamboat) completely overshadows the main event. That is certainly not a bad thing and would give the live crowd something to cheer about while dreading the title reign of Roman Reigns.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.