WWE WrestleMania 36: 10 Things That Must Happen

4. The 'Fiend' Wins His Own Match

John Cena Bray Wyatt

This 'Firefly Funhouse Match' is likely to be similar in scope to that 'House Of Horrors' stunt show between Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton at Payback 2017. Think of it as a pre-taped mini-movie more than a fully-fledged wrestling match. There will be gimmicks, there will be some jump scares, and there will be camera trickery.

John Cena doesn't need to win this one. He needs to look strong so that Wyatt can brag about a big victory himself, but he doesn't need to win. Imagine if The Undertaker had lost to Kamala at the 1992 Survivor Series in the first ever 'Casket Match'. Would his follow-up defeat to Yokozuna at the '94 Rumble have been as much of a shock?

Probably not.

This is the first of its kind, and that's why Bray's 'Fiend' should have the upper hand. Cena is going to his realm, and Wyatt is free to prepare his 'Funhouse' however he pleases. The possibilities are quite unpredictable, and yet the result can't be.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.