WWE WrestleMania 36: 10 Things That Must Happen

3. The Undertaker Beats Respect Into AJ Styles

The Undertaker AJ Styles

This writer could care less if AJ Styles picks up some surprise win over The Undertaker at 'Mania 36 or not. Either result (an AJ win or a 'Taker triumph) is fine, and there's always somewhere WWE can go with the story anyway. Unlike Bray's gimmick match, this 'Boneyard' thing wasn't a certain legend's creation.

That means 'Taker can lose, but not without punishing Styles.

Ye olde biker elements of The Undertaker's persona have been welcome lately. His promos are gritty and realistic, and it's easy to take him as a threat when he starts aggressively telling people he's about to kick some butt. At WrestleMania, 'Taker must come out all guns blazing and want to slug AJ right in the mouth for talking about family.

Styles can get over win or lose here, and so can The Undertaker. For example, would anyone really have reasonable right to complain if Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson ganged up with AJ on 'Taker? Similarly, would it be a massive problem if AJ was eventually overpowered after putting up a fight?


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.