WWE WrestleMania 38: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

3. Cody Rhodes’ Debut Falls Flat

Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania 38

Is the 'American Nightmare' about to live a WrestleMania nightmare?

Those "Cody! Cody! Cody!" chants on this past Monday's Raw must be music to WWE's ears. They've got to be careful mind; Seth Rollins is likely to be Cody's first opponent during this bold return spell, and he's hardly a pushover or someone creative will want to trash for the sake of anybody else.

This feels like a lose/lose situation for Rhodes. If he comes in and has a standard, competitive match vs. Seth, then he'll just look like everybody else on the roster and blend in far too quickly. That'd be true even if he wins. Then, there's the other scenario - what if Cody comes in and loses to Rollins?

A loss like that would kill his momentum immediately, and negate any big reaction for him 24 hours later on the typically boisterous post-WrestleMania Raw. Squashing Seth doesn't seem like something WWE would be up for, so there's a chance Rhodes' re-debut could fall flat.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.