WWE WrestleMania 38: 10 Nightmares That Could Come True

2. WWE Flunk On “Winner Takes All”

Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania 38

Some fans believe that either Brock Lesnar or Roman Reigns winning both World Championships at 'Mania 38 will bring about the end of WWE's latest brand split. The "ironclad rosters" on both shows are useless anyway, 'cause wrestlers work where they want willy nilly and without much need for explanation.

WWE painted themselves into a corner by announcing a "Winner Takes All" stip for the battle too. That, to literally everyone, means that Lesnar is taking Roman's Universal Strap and keeping his, or Reigns is grabbing Brock's WWE Title and holding both major prizes.

Would anyone really be shocked if the E got cold feet here?

It's not impossible for the company to pretend that this was just 'Champ vs. Champ' (like Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior back at 'Mania VI) all along. They could also change the "Winner Takes All" thing right before next weekend's pay-per-view and keep both titles exactly where they are.

Would that blow? Absolutely.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.